Kevin Corcoran, DVM
Dr. Kevin Corcoran has offered his veterinary expertise to a variety of organizations, including Procter & Gamble Co., the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps, Central State University, 4 Paws for Ability, American Horse Shows Association, and Springborn Laboratories. An OVMA member since 1980, Dr. Corcoran has participated in a variety of committees as well as the Board of Directors, on which he currently serves as Treasurer. He has also held leadership positions with the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine. In addition, Dr. Corcoran is active in AVMA, Miami Valley VMA, and American Association of Small Ruminant Practitioners. Outside of veterinary medicine, Dr. Corcoran spends time judging school science fairs and is a 20+ year 4-H advisor. He also enjoys exploring the national parks with family, cheering the Scarlet and Gray, and beekeeping.